Digital images…what are the benefits?
When you receive your Access Code to view your child’s images after a CO Kids Early Years Photo Shoot the excitement is real! You cannot wait to see beautiful images of your children enjoying their day at nursery, professional standard images that capture your child’s personality, their gleam, everything that makes them special!
Good news, the images are amazing!
You’ve no idea how your little one has managed to stay in one place long enough to be photographed, the results are wonderful, you may even begin to well up. As you scroll through the collection of beautiful photos you start to wonder ……
… much will these cost?
Well fear not, we at CO Kids Early Years Photography completely understand that life can at times be difficult, the cost of living is rising and we all feel a certain element of uncertainty. BUT we do have a solution to help ease your photo purchase concerns ….. Digital Downloads.
Simply put, Digital Downloads are full access to your chosen images that you access digitally and save to your chosen device. You can share these images with whomever you wish, print wherever on whatever you like at your own time and convenience.
Let’s Summarise :
Great Value Packages – the download all option is a popular package available to you. Every single image in the gallery is yours so no difficult decisions to make – a collection of professional photographs for far less than a standard professional shoot would set you back. There are also digital download packages available for 2, 3 or 4 images if you don’t want every image taken, an option for every budget.
Early Discount Offers – all packages are available alongside the 10% Early Discount Offer. You’ll save even more money!
Instant access – no waiting for print and postage, the images are yours immediately.
Share with your family and friends – if you choose just one image there is no need to order enough prints for nanny, grandad, aunty, god parents etc. You can share your chosen picture with them all without the additional spend.
Christmas presents ….. Done! Who wouldn’t love a beautiful picture of your little one, what a special and personal gift.
What about parents who have siblings at the same nursery? What help is available?
Traditionally each child has their own gallery of images and we always capture siblings together as well (of course, they are always super cute). We know that parents may not want every single picture but perhaps the option to choose their preferred selection from each gallery.
More Great News!
You can view more than one Gallery (Access Code) at the same time, and when choosing your preferred package can select your favourite images from multiple Access Codes, thus creating your perfect collection. There is even a Sibling Special Package that allows you to choose up to 12 images to download instead of just the standard 8.
Of course, there will always be the option to order prints with or without mounts. Keyrings are popular gifts and start from just £5.99.
We always aim to offer a variety of options, ensuring that every Child gets an awesome photo of their Early Years and Every Parent has the best opportunity to purchase one.