Review of 2024 from CO Kids
They say “time flies when you’re having fun”. 2024 you were epic…and deserve a giant shout out and wrap for the last 12 months CO Kids Early Years Photographer spent with our nurseries.
Our wrap up from an epic 2023
We’re not really ready to say goodbye to 2023 yet….can’t quite believe another year has passed. They say “time flies when you’re having fun”. 2023 you were epic…and deserve a giant shout out and wrap for the last 12 months CO Kids Early Years Photographer spent with our nurseries.
Saying Thank You
There are so many ways in which we show our appreciation, small words and gestures can mean so much. However, I’ve recently been left wondering … is it enough? What else can we do/say?
It’s Christmas ….. Nearly!
As CO Kids photograph nearly 100 nurseries now we know that parents love the festive style photo galleries produced. It’s fun, super cute and provides a great Christmas Gift Opportunity. In order to make sure that absolutely all photographs are available in plenty of time for pre-Christmas delivery, we need to get cracking early and photograph throughout October and November!
The joy of photographing in a Special Needs School
Several years on from our first Special Needs School shoot I and the team continue to put everything into giving every child the best photograph they deserve.
Who’s Ready for School?
With a 4 year old due to start school this coming September, I’m on high alert here! How do I help to prepare my little girl for this next, and hugely important, step in her life? And what does it mean to ‘be ready’?
Bringing CO Kids Style to your Nursery
A CO Kids festive styled set will often include a blend of festive twinkle with rustic chic! Having noted over the years Nursery Managers introducing logs, warm woods and natural textures which the children love to explore, we have brought these features into the CO Kids festive styled set and it seems both children and parents are loving it!
CO Kids Nursery Practitioner Commitment Award
Practitioners deserve huge respect and we can’t help but celebrate their fantastic work. This month we launch our CO Kids “Nursery Practitioner Commitment Award” where we celebrate some incredible Nursery Practitioners that we meet as we photograph in nurseries across England.
How does a company flex it’s anti racist muscle?
CO Kids is up for flexing our anti racist muscle. It’s the right thing to do. Never bold enough to suggest we know it all….CO Kids is a company that loves to learn!! Seeking out opportunities to meet with others in the industry, to listen and to gain new knowledge and skills is something we are genuinely excited about and here for!
Digital images…what are the benefits?
When you receive your Access Code to view your child’s images after a CO Kids Early Years Photo Shoot the excitement is real! You cannot wait to see beautiful images of your children enjoying their day at nursery, professional standard images that capture your child’s personality, their gleam, everything that makes them special!
Tiny people ….. endless imagination!
Keeping a record of our children’s Early Years with photos of precious, joyful and surprising moments can give us just a little insight to their world and, of course, act as a reminder to us that there is fun to be had as well as something to learn from almost any situation.
Being part of something AMAZING feels ….. INCREDIBLE!
In 2021, from CO Kids Photo Sales for just one Nursery Chain a massive £29,000 was raised for Cancer Research UK. Wow, as part of the photography team this certainly fills me with pride, joy, happiness – I could go on and on.
Dear Nursery…
Photo day is coming up! Your nursery has 70 children due in that day, plus a few parent appointments for children not attending on the given date. You have been tasked with organising each room so that the children are ready when the time comes. “OMG I used to dread a photo day!” — we speak to Nursery Managers and Practitioners often.
Online Shopping - how to make the most of your gallery
Your children’s nursery might just have had a photo day and you’re wondering what happens next? Perhaps you are part of the nursery staff and are interested to see what service is provided to your parents. Please read on and all questions will (hopefully) be answered!
A day in the life…of a CO Kids Photographer
Batteries charged (both my Nikon’s and mine), camera bag packed. A natural lit nursery garden shoot is on today’s agenda, so no need for props, lighting or studio staging; it’s just my camera, an array of beautiful lenses and me … oh and lots of energy on board!
Festive Photo Shoots
The Winter 2021 Nursery Photography Season saw our team, from late September to mid November, touring nurseries throughout the UK with some truly amazing festive props! Think retro wooden sleighs, luxurious fluffy blankets and rugs, twinkling lights, rustic logs and, of course, the odd shiny bauble too.
2022 is going to be magical
A huge thank you to all the nurseries who have booked a CO Kids photography session and the parents who have bought photographs from us this year.
Reflecting on a busy year is super important to us and we thought we’d share with you!
CO Kids publish Environmental Policy
We know that the amazing little people that are the focus of our attention will one day grow up to inherit the world in which we live today. It's this realisation that drives us to join the fight against climate change and help ensure we hand over a planet that's safe, secure and sustainable.
Spring Season 2021
WOW and the stats for our last photography season are in!!! Overwhelming positive response from parents which means so much ❤️.
Embracing Photo Opportunities Outside at Nursery
Nurseries embrace the unexpected opportunities that nature can bring - and so do we.