Dear Nursery…
Photo day is coming up! Your nursery has around 70 children due in that day, plus a few parent appointments for children not attending on the given date. You have been tasked with organising each room so that the children are ready when the time comes.
“OMG I used to dread a photo day!”
Many agree a CO Kids Photo day is different! We pride ourselves on providing a slick and stress-free experience for nursery colleagues, parents and children – absolutely everyone involved.
No exceptions.
Here’s how it happens:
On arrival we are given a copy of the register, which of course never leaves site. We quickly check to see which children only attend in the AM so that they are not missed. We usually then start with the youngest children as these often have a morning nap, which we wouldn’t want to disturb! Then it’s on through the age groups. Ticking each name as we complete a shoot. We are 100% committed to photographing each child that is willing to participate and will spend an appropriate time encouraging those that are not so keen.
We know that parents are eagerly anticipating their children’s pictures and that you are the contact with them so will face the questions … can you make sure his collar is straight? Can you take her hair down? How did it go? Did they smile? When will we get the photos? We can deliver all of this, and here is how …
The best photos (in our humble opinion) are often of children smiling and laughing with genuine joy. As adults many of us are not so keen to see pictures of ourselves with mouths wide open, belly laughing moments – but capturing this magical experience for a child is at the heart of our ‘play not pose’ ethos. When looking at these pictures you can almost hear the laughter. Wouldn’t every parent want to know that their children has had a really enjoyable day? Fulfilling stuff.
We are well practised and skilled at engaging children’s attention and when we are working with those that are happy to respond, you can relax, we’ve got this! The process is quick, simple and fun!
“You had children smiling that don’t usually smile!”
But what about children who need more encouragement?
You know your children and they know you. You know best what makes them happy, teases a smile, fills them with joy.
Does James love to play with trucks? Let’s grab some engines and watch as his face lights up
Does Austin love hide and seek? Let’s get a game going
Is Lauren’s favourite place the wooden playhouse? Mine too! Can I join you?
You can see where I’m going with this, real happiness is not found in an uncomfortable situation. We want to give children an environment where they can be confident, where they can be happy. A snapshot of such a moment can be a photograph treasured forever.
It’s our belief at CO Kids Early Years Photography that capturing this is something to be tremendously proud of – and we are well aware of the role you, as Nursery Colleagues, play.
If we ask for your help, it’s because we want the best possible photographs of a child. We may need some help creating the particular brand of fun required at a given moment.
There is no-one in the world better equipped than you – and we thank you for it!
On a boring admin note – images are provided via a superb online gallery system, which parents love, within 2 weeks. Parents can place orders direct so no mess or additional work required from you here!
Written by Sally York
We at CO Kids are professional photographers specialising in Early Years.
Children at Nursery are experts at finding the fun, surprising us and themselves, at evolving and growing.
Let’s capture this spirit and these moments.
Contact us at CO Kids to explore the opportunities!