Being part of something AMAZING feels ….. INCREDIBLE!
What would £29,000 mean to you? I’m guessing a lot! Why £29,000? ….. let me explain.
Here at CO Kids Early Years Photography, we work closely with our Nurseries to provide them with the best all round experience. In summary, that’s stress free photo days and beautiful images of each child resulting in happy families. We thank nurseries for their time and assistance by offering them a commission of photo sales. They can use this however they wish … new equipment, special treats, cakes for parents – completely their choice! Win, win.
We are absolutely delighted that one of our largest Nursery clients opts to give this commission to their
chosen charity of the year. In this particular case; the charity for 2021 was Cancer Research UK.
So many of us are now affected by Cancer in some way, with many close links from our own team and their families so this really does feel a special achievement.
“So here it is – in 2021, from CO Kids Photo Sales for just one Nursery Chain a massive £29,000 was raised for Cancer Research UK.”
Let me say that again ….. £29,000 raised for Cancer Research UK in 2021 from CO Kids Early Years Photo Sales. Wow, as part of the photography team this certainly fills me with pride, joy, happiness – I could go on and on.
Being part of and working with organisations that choose to give back is humbling and can make you stop and think. We are all in some ways helping each other, trying to make a difference, creating a positive environment, setting an example and dare I say it …. Helping to save lives!
I wonder how many proud owners of a CO Kids Nursery Photograph realise that part of the money they have spent has been donated to such a good cause. It’s easy to think; my contribution won’t make a difference, or; how much does it really help? Here is proof that it all adds up and it really does make a difference. Being part of something AMAZING feels INCREDIBLE! Let’s keep that going, I wonder what will 2022 bring?
“Of course, we at CO Kids are aiming to surpass this amount …so watch this space!”
I truly hope to be reporting next year of an even greater achievement.
We at CO Kids are professional photographers specialising in Early Years.
Children at Nursery are experts at finding the fun, surprising us and themselves, at evolving and growing.
Let’s capture this spirit and these moments.
Contact us at CO Kids to explore the opportunities!