A day in the life…of a CO Kids Photographer
Batteries charged (both my Nikon’s and mine), camera bag packed. A natural lit nursery garden shoot is on today’s agenda, so no need for props, lighting or studio staging; it’s just my camera, an array of beautiful lenses and me … oh and lots of energy on board!
A pre 9AM arrival is the norm, so depending on the nursery location it’s not unusual to already be on the road as the sun rises – a great way to start any day I think. When I get to the nursery and introduce myself, we get the necessary signing-in and form filling out of the way. I double check that I have received my Enhanced DBS certificate back from the Nursery Manager – we have a golden rule ….. DO NOT FORGET YOUR DBS! You will not be permitted into any nursery setting without this vital proof of who you are and that you have passed all necessary checks – quite right too! Children are beyond precious and need to be protected.
“Now we are ready for the fun part!”
I head into the nursery garden and am over the moon to see lots of lovely natural green areas offering a beautiful backdrop, an interesting tree with low branches just right for climbing and hiding in, and some fabulous chunky logs providing the ideal seating area. Every child deserves an awesome photo of their Early Years, and a beautifully natural environment really helps this!
Camera in hand I let the fabulous nursery staff know I’m ready to get started! We usually start with the youngest members so that they can get back for all important nap time. The baby room can provide a mixture of reactions – many of the little ones love to explore the nursery gardens but a new face entering into their environment is often cause for ultimate concentration face. Luckily I’m fairly confident in my nursery rhyme knowledge and it’s always such a satisfying feeling when a little smile of recognition springs from an impromptu sing along… and we’re off – clapping away, peek-a-boo, cheering and laughing, resulting in beautiful photographs being captured before the situation has even been realised.
If singing and games doesn’t encourage any interaction … we crack out the bubbles and basically do anything to get the smile! Eyes gazing upwards and grins all round, we are all about genuine good times!
As we move through the age groups the games get bigger and the smiles wider. It’s often nice to ask where in the garden is a child’s favourite place to play. Nothing delights children more then showing you what a good climber they are, or how fast they can go down the slide. Jumping and biking are also high on the agenda. If we, as photographers, can capture natural spontaneous play the results can be truly spectacular.
I also like to include a nice seated image in each gallery, still in the natural garden environment, perhaps using logs or tree stumps. Every child is different, and if it’s not in a persons nature to be running and jumping then perhaps their natural beauty shines best when simply having a chat about their favourite things, or smelling flowers. What is important, and evident in the photographs produced, is that every child is as comfortable as possible and enjoying themselves.
““play not pose””
We at CO Kids live by this motto, we hope you enjoy it!
Written by Sally York, CO Kids Early Years Photographer
We at CO Kids are professional photographers specialising in Early Years.
Children at Nursery are experts at finding the fun, surprising us and themselves, at evolving and growing.
Let’s capture this spirit and these moments.
Contact us at CO Kids to explore the opportunities!